RCD (Residual Current Detector)


Protect yourself, your family and your home - Electricity kills.

Government statistics show that faulty electrical wiring and products cause most fires in UK homes.
Electricity is now the major cause of accidental fires in UK homes.
Most of these accidents could be prevented by RCD protection, yet more than half of us - that's 13 million homes - don't have it.

So, Plug into Safety - check your electrics at home and take the following precautions:

  • Avoid using faulty or damaged electrical appliances, lighting and switches
  • Consider upgrading to a modern fusebox (consumer unit) with built-in RCDs or get a plug-in RCD from your local DIY store or garden centre - it could save your life

If you have any doubt about electrical safety in your home or if your electrics keep tripping, pleasecontactus for a free survey!

The Electrical Safety Council is running this campaign to cut the number of people killed or injured by electrical accidents by getting more of us to fit RCD protection at home.

Pleasecontactus for a free RCD Safety leaflet.
