Environment Policy
We are a responsible company that recognises its operational activities impact on the environment,
and is committed to reducing negative consequences by:-
- Complying with all applicable environment legislation and other applicable requirements
- Preventing pollution and minimising the extent of environmental damage occurring as a result of our operations and activities.
- Continuously trying to improve our environmental performance.
We ensure that these aims are achieved by:-
- Setting objectives and targets to reduce negative environmental impacts, specifically for :-
- Carbon results of our activities
- Control of any local pollution we might risk causing
- Waste products as a by-product of operating or selling any of our products
- Integrating environmental considerations into all of our business decision making.
- We consult with local authorities regularly on environmental issues, speaking with external parties on issues of concern.
- We maintain procurement policies which encourage our suppliers and logistics partners to match our own environmental aspirations.
This will be achieved by:
- Including aspects of environmental performance in all procurement decisions
- Ensuring our product range improves environmental performance for us and our clients
- Maintaining a formal Environmental Management System
- Ensuring we have a work force trained in environmental matters by providing them with:
- General environmental awareness training
- Specific training to those colleagues with a particular environmental responsibility