The next litter pick will be on Wednesday 29 May 2019. This will be an evening event starting at 7pm. We usually finish this litter pick in the pub.
As usual meet at the canal steps on Sale Waterside piazza. Litter pickers, hi-vis jackets and bags will be provided but please come dressed for gardening.
Children 12 to 16 years old are welcome if accompanied by a responsible adult. However, our safety regulations and insurance cover does not permit younger children.
Our Spring Meeting will be at 7.30pm on Tuesday 28 May 2019 in the upstairs room at The Volunteer pub, 81 Cross St., Sale, M33 7HJ.
We have been fortunate to to get local expert Barry Myers to talk about "The Manchester Ship Canal"
Entrance free and all welcome!
In conjunction with Bridgewater Cruises Co., the Friends Group are organising two return cruises to Dunham this summer. Both cruises depart from the moorings at the King's Ransom pub, Britannia Road, Sale.
The first cruise is an Afternoon Tea Cruise on 6 June 2019. This includes a high quality afternoon tea. Cash bar on board. Departing the moorings at 2.30pm and returning about 5.30pm. Tickets £25.
Tickets must be bought directly from Bridgewater Cruises
The second cruise is an Evening Hot Pot Supper cruise on 26 June 2019 departing at 6.30pm and returning about 9.30pm. This includes a hot pot supper and there is a cash bar on board.
Tickets £27.Tickets must be bought directly from Bridgewater Cruises
Members of the Friends Group worked to plant out shrubs alongside the wall on the Timperley side of Brooklands Bridge. In the Spring the daffodils planted on the othe rside of this bridge were in full bloom.
Our first litter pick of 2019 was held at 10am on Saturday 2 March. Meet at the canal steps on Sale Waterside piazza (opposite former VAO restaurant). Litter pickers, gloves etc. will be provide but come dressed for gardening!
All welcome!
Our last litter pick of 2018 was held on Saturday 6 October 2018. Ten members collected 12 bags of rubbish and a lot of stuff that had been fly-tipped.
Please note that the 2018 Annual General Meeting of the Friends of the Bridgewater Canal (Sale) will be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 6 November 2018 in the upstairs room at the Volunteer Hotel, Cross Street, Sale. All are welcome to attend!
Click HERE for 2018 Accounts and HERE for annual report of Secretary and HERE for Minutes of this AGM.
In conjunction with Bridgewater Cruises Co., the Friends Group are organising two return cruises to Dunham this summer. Both cruises depart from the moorings at the King's Ransom pub, Britannia Road, Sale.
The first cruise is on the evening of 5 June 2018, departing at 6.30pm. This includes a hot pot supper and there is a cash bar on board. Tickets £26.
The second cruise is an Afternoon Tea Cruise on 16 August 2018. This includes a high quality afternoon tea. Cash bar on board. Departing the moorings at 2.30pm. Tickets £24.
Tickets must be bought directly from Bridgewater Cruises
The next litter pick will be on Wednesday 30 May 2018. This will be an evening event starting at 7pm. We usually finish this litter pick in the pub.
As usual meet at the canal steps on Sale Waterside piazza. Litter pickers, hi-vis jackets and bags will be provided but please come dressed for gardening.
Children 12 to 16 years old are welcome if accompanied by a responsible adult. However, our safety regulations and insurance cover does not permit younger children.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, our Spring Meeting will now be held in The Studio, Sale Waterside Arts, 1 Waterside Plaza, Sale, M33 7ZF at 7.30pm on Tuesday 1st May 2018.
Dr. Alex Mitchell, archivist of the Bridgewater Canal, will give a talk on "Unlocking the Bridgewater: Artefacts from the Bridgewater Archive."
Dr Alex Mitchell will introduce the Bridgewater Archives and outline the records held relating to the Bridgewater Canal. The Archive was set up in August 2013 with the aim of capturing and preserving the history of the Bridgewater Canal and its assets. The talk will include references to the history of the Bridgewater Canal and will be illustrated with material from the archive.
Free and all welcome...
A team of the Friends, led by Jim Smart and Ian Stuart, have been refurbishing two derelict flower beds. One is by White's Bridge (opposite the Bridge Inn) and the second is a raised flower bed a little way along the path that leads to Britannia Road.
In addition to these two beds, on 12 April 2014 Jim and Ian re-planted a small triangular bed which is near the raised flower bed.
Now that the weather has improved, the litter pick which had to be cancelled on 3 March has been rescheduled for Saturday 24 March starting at 10am. Meet at the canal steps on Sale Waterside piazza (opposite VAO restaurant). Litter pickers, gloves etc. will be provide but come dressed for gardening!
All welcome!
The 2017 AGM was held on 7 November 2017 at Sale Sports Club. Helen Bayliss prepare a slide presentation of the year's events which can be seen HERE as a YouTube video.
Ian Stuart and Helen Bayliss cleaning mud off the towpath
Harry and Ian cleaning the Waterside steps
Our next towpath litter pick will be on Wednesday 31st May 2017. Meet at 7.00pm at the canal steps near Sale Waterside Plaza. Litter pickers will be provided. Please wear stout shoes and "gardening" clothes. We collected 23 bags of rubbish and adjourned to the pub afterwards!
During June 2017 we will again be organising cruises on the Canal. There will be two cruises, on 2 and 3 June 2017, aboard the "Francis Egerton", a luxury, wide-beamed passenger vessel. Both cruises depart from the King's Ransom Moorings in Sale. The first cruise is an evening return trip to Dunham departing at 6.30pm. The second cruise departs at 1pm and is a own-way trip to Worsley. Return from Worsley will be by minibuses.The trips are not really suitable for small children. We regret that the boat is not accessible by wheelchair users. Subject to Terms and Conditions
A return evening cruise to Dunham from Sale. Departing King's Ransom at 6.30pm. Hot pot supper served on board and a cash bar is available.
Tickets: £24 each (must be bought in advance); limited to 32 passengers.
A cruise from Sale to Worsley. This is a one-way cruise, return by minibuses.
Afternoon tea will be served on board and there will be a cash bar.
At Worsley there will be the opportunity to take part in a free guided tour of the canal basin area.
Tickets: £24 (must be bought in advance); Limited to 32 passengers.
Please make cheques payable to 'Friends of the Bridgewater Canal (Sale)' and send to
Barry Brotherton, 3 Highfield Avenue, Sale, M33 3DW
Contact: 07785 918722 or email
Some pictures from the Dunham cruise:-
All welcome to our Spring Meeting at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9 May 2017 in the upstairs room at The Moorfield, 131 Marsland Road, Sale, M33 3NW.
Our speaker will be Liz McIvor, historian, author and presenter of BBC One's programme "Canals: The Making of Nation"
Entrance is free and this should be a very interesting meeting for all those with an interest in canals.
Click HERE for poster.
Our team collected a total of 30 bags of rubbish and removed numerous large objects that had been fly-tipped.
The 2016 AGM was held on 1 November 2016 at The Moorfield pub. Helen Bayliss prepare a slide presentation of the year's events which can be seen HERE as a YouTube video.
Download Reports from the 2016 AGM
The 2015 AGM was held on 3 November 2015 at The Moorfield pub. Helen Bayliss prepare a slide presentation of the year's events which can be seen HERE as a YouTube video.
Download Minutes of the 2015 AGM and download Chairman's Report for 2015
This was our last litter pick of this season. Our team of Bridgewater Canal tidy up volunteers did an amazing job! A small team of 8 people cleared the canal path litter from Timperley in the south up to the Watch House in the north. Overall there were approx 25 bags plus a lot of larger rubbish items.
Jim, Barry, Jane & Mark cleared litter from the church south of Waterside Plaza up to the Watch House. Marion, Ken and Debbie took care of the south section from Walton Park to Timperley. In the afternoon, Helen Bayliss finished the job by litter picking the middle section from the church to Walton Park. Thanks also to Tom Everett who recently cleared a lot of rubbish from the infamous "benches" north of Dane Road.
Our evening litter pick on 27th May 2015 was not blessed with good weather.Eight volunteers collected 10 bags of rubbish.
Our first litter pick of 2015 and we started with another fine day. We collected 38 bags of rubbish.
P.S. FoBC Treasurer Jim Smart was away on this Saturday so he went out on his own on 10 March and filled a further 3 bags by litter picking on the off-side footpath, both north and south of the raised flower bed.
The 2014 AGM was held in November at The Moorfield pub. Helen Bayliss prepare a slide presentation of the year's events which can be seen HERE as a YouTube video.
This was our last litter pick of 2014 and again we were blessed with good weather! Nine members collected 31 bags of rubbish plus several large objects that had been fly-tipped.
Overall 10 people collected 24 bags of rubbish plus several large objects - a car bumper, a bike, road works signage, and a Christmas tree in a plastic pot!
The bulbs that the Friends Group planted on the towpath, near the Darley Street entrance, last October are now in full flower.
Organised by Jim Smart, volunteers planted some 300 crocus bulbs alongside the canal towpath in the Sale area. We are hoping for a good display in the Spring!
The weather was not as good as we have had in the last two years for our last litter pick of the season. Nevertheless, there was a good turnout of volunters and over 20 bags of rubbish were collected.
We collected 20 bags and 13 people contributed. Our territory was from M60 down to Walton Park. Afterwards we went to the The Bridge Inn pub! We also had an article in The Advertiser on June 13th.
The Friends Group held an open meeting at 7.30pm on Tuesday 7th May 2013 in the upstairs room at The Moorfield (former Sale Hotel) on Marsland Road, Sale. The speaker was Glen Atkinson with an illustrated talk on "The Underground Canals of Worsley". Subsequently Glen kindly agreed to update the History section of the Friends Group website.
The first litter pick of 2013 wasn't blessed with good weather but 15 volunteers turned up, including many new faces. We covered the easterly side of the Canal between Brooklands and Timperley bridges.
The 2012 Annual General Meeting was held on 6th November 2012 at Park House, Sale. Helen Bayliss gave a presentation of the Group activities over the previous 12 months. This can be seen Here
Our last litter pick of the present season was on Saturday 6 October 2012. Once again we were fortunate to have good weather and a large turn out of volunteers.
The Friends Group took part in the Sale Festival regatta organised by Sale Cruising Club on Saturday 9th June 2012.
We also again ran our popular cruises to Dunham and Castlefield (Manchester) on 16/17 June 2012.
On 18 August 2012 we organised a longer return trip to Lymm and had an interesting conducted tour of Lymm village. The following Sunday (19 August) we had a one-way trip (return to Sale by mini buses) to Worsley. Unfortunately the weather deteriorated but everyone enjoyed the cruise and the tour of the Worsley Canal Basin area.
The Duke of Bridgewater (aka Tom Everett) greeted passengers on each cruise.
The Friends of the Bridgewater Canal conducted a litterpick along the Bridgewater Canal on Wednesday evening, May 30th. We had a good turnout of 19 people, and three different teams collected 24 bags of rubbish in total. Our aim was to beautify the canal path in readiness for the upcoming Sale Festival. Our Chairman, Ian Stuart, even got down on his hands and knees to de-weed the steps in front of the Waterside Plaza! It was noticed that the quantity of litter along the path has diminished from previous trends, and we are very grateful to members of our community for respecting the beauty of our path by not dropping as much litter as in the past.
An open meeting of the Friends of the Bridgewater Canal was held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 8th May at the Centre for Independent Living, Atkinson Road, M33 6FZ.
Phil Austin gave an interesting talk on the Monton Lighthouse.
On Saturday 3rd March 2012, a total of eleven volunteers braved a rather chilly, wet and windy day to collect 30 bags of rubbish, plus some large fly-tipped objects.
The main focus of our efforts was on the east bank of the Canal between Timperley and Brooklands.
Pictured here are Ian Stewart, Tom Everett, Carol Everett, and Jim Smart with some of the rubbish collected.
On Saturday, October 1st 2011, 19 people generously gave their time on a beautiful Saturday morning to collect litter along the Bridgewater Canal. After meeting outside The Waterside Arts Centre, our focus this time was the path between Timperley and Brooklands. To assist in travelling to our locations, Metrolink kindly donated tram tickets for the group. Overall we collected 26 bags of litter plus various pieces of fly tipping. Also some local residents joined us along the route and many users showed their appreciation as we worked. Overall, the path is getting cleaner and we have had wonderful news that some local residents are independently collecting litter as they use the path.
Helen Bayliss
Our Canal Cruises from Sale Waterside continue to be extremely popular events, such that we had four in 2010, two in June over the Sale Festival Weekend and two in August. In both months one destination was Manchester Castlefield and the other Dunham.
During 2011, the 250th Anniversary of the Canal, we had three very successful and fully booked cruises - thanks to everyone who attended and made them so enjoyable.
The 2011 Annual General Meeting was held on 8th November 2011. Helen Bayliss gave a presentation of the Group.